Fitness classes
Exercise sessions near you
Come along to one of my fitness classes in Hertfordshire and feel the benefit.
Classes run most weeks, but I suggest you get in touch before you attend for the first time. I take around 6 weeks holiday over the year but I do give you plenty of notice of dates when I’m not running classes.
Day | Class | Time | Zoom ID | F2F Venue |
Monday | Cardio & Core / Fellas Fitness | 09:30 - 10:30 | Live streamed | Village Hall - Cottered |
Pilates | 19:00 - 20:00 | Furneux Pelham Hall | ||
Tuesday | Royston U3A Cardio & Core | 09:30 - 10:30 | Town Hall, Royston | |
Royston U3A Cardio & Core | 10:45 - 11:30 | Town Hall, Royston | ||
Wednesday | Fellas Fitness & Ladies Keep Fit | 09:30 - 10:30 | Live streamed | Pioneer Hall, Hertford |
Cardio Blast (HIIT/LIIT) | 18:00 - 18:30 | Rushden Village Hall | ||
Pilates | 18:30 - 19:15 | Rushden Village Hall | ||
Thursday | Pilates | 09:30 - 10:30 | Live streamed | Market Hill Rooms, Royston |
Pilates | 18:15 - 19:00 | Live streamed | Seth Ward Community Centre | |
Trigger Point Pilates | 19:05 - 20:00 | Live streamed | Seth Ward Community Centre | |
Friday | Fellas Fitness | 09:30 - 10:30 | Live streamed | Pioneer Hall, Hertford |
Seniors Exercise Class | 11:00 - 12:00 | Hampson Park, Stevenage |
We use the following venues
Cottered Village Hall, Cottered, Buntingford SG9 9QW
Pioneer Hall, Ware Road, Hertford SG13 7HP
Seth Ward Community Centre, Luynes Rise, Buntingford, Hertfordshire SG9 9SG
Furneux Pelham Village Hall, Furneux Pelham, Buntingford SG9 0LL
Rushden Village Hall, Rushden, Buntingford SG9 0SQ
Market Hill Rooms, Fish Hill, Royston SG8 9JL
Hampson Park Community Centre, Hampson Park, Webb Rise, Stevenage SG1 5QU