Flexible online classes

We offer a range of classes which are available to join either live online with us via Zoom, or through our “On Demand” service which you can access anytime you like, from our dedicated WhatsApp Group.  Weekly Classes are available in our timetable which is emailed out to all our clients every fortnight. 

Pricing for classes

1) Single Zoom Class – £6 per class, payable in advance by BACS.

*NOTE – Please email Karen if you wish to pay by BACS for a F2F class and advise which F2F class it’s for, before you attend, or you may get billed for it again.

2) Basic Membership – £12 a week for access to any 3 online classes a week.

3) Premium Membership – £15 a week to attend unlimited online classes, and access our On Demand Group.

4) Platinum Membership – £18 a week to attend Unlimited Online AND Venue classes, including full access to the On Demand Group

How to pay

To pay by BACS and set up a standing order you’ll need the following account details:

Bank: Nationwide Building Society
Account Name:     Irene Gibson
Sort Code:     07-04-36
Account Number:     44550139

For any questions on Memberships, please get in touch with karen@irenegibson.co.uk

Paypal – Unfortunately there isn’t a button for multiple transactions on the website so if you need to pay for anything and you don’t use BACS, then use the link below and follow the instructions. Please don’t tick the buying goods box for  “Buyer Protection”, as this incurs a commission for Paypal, and not for the service you are receiving.


Our Promise – We guarantee to have no less than 4 live Zoom classes available every week to choose from, currently there’s a lot more!  The only exception is during my holidays when some pre-recorded workouts will be available for you in my absence!

Please Note – We can’t offer any refunds on classes/memberships unless under exceptional circumstances, but we will always try to offer an alternative if we have to cancel a class at short notice.